It is optional, since you can get 0.25% NIR (0.25% AER) when you take out a CaixaBank Interest-Bearing Deposit, even if you have no other additional products. You just need to have a CaixaBank current account, where you will receive the interest payment after the term of the deposit.
To get the additional interest based on 12 months, you must have taken out at least one of these products 2 months before the end of the deposit term, and you must keep these products for the duration of the deposit:
- Life insurance
- Health insurance
- Home insurance
- MyBox Alarm
- MyBox Senior Protection
- MyBox Retirement
Other conditions apply for specific products and services, which are as follows:
- Life and Home Insurance: these products must be taken out and active for 2 months before the term of the Interest-Bearing Deposit ends and the annual premium must be €120 or higher.
- MyBox Retirement: this product must be taken out and active for at least 2 months before the end of the Interest-Bearing Deposit term and you must have made at least one regular contribution.
- Direct deposit of salary: you must keep it direct deposited for 6 months before the end of the deposit term, i.e., at least 2 months before the end of the deposit term. 2 months before the end of the deposit term, we will confirm that you have had your salary direct deposited in the 6 months prior to that date.